
Electric Data Solutions provides a range of services including custom reports, bespoke software development, data integration, and interactive visualizations.

Our analytical tools help you to better understand your unique contribution to the global research system, identify trends, spot talent, predict change, and plan for future success.

Topic Modelling

A scatter plot showing thousands of COVID19 research papers grouped into various topics

Topic modelling is a language processing technique that can be applied to large document sets to understand the different combinations of words or phrases (topics) that are present. It is especially effective when used on short descriptive texts that are often found in research datasets and is useful when data are not categorised using a formal taxonomy.

We use topic modelling when examining research portfolios to help you discover relevant research themes such as target demographics, technology application domains, and methodology types.

Network Analysis

A network diagram showing top COVID19 researchers and their collaboration network

Network analysis is a valuable tool that can help you understand the structure and dynamics of research systems. We utilise a range of standard and custom bibliometric indicators, develop custom algorithms, and integrate a variety of data sources to demonstrate how research is conducted and utilized.

This kind of information is useful to research managers as it helps them measure and compare their research capability, recognise potential growth opportunities, and plan future investment.

Data Enhancement

A process diagram showing how various data sources can be disambiguated, enriched, and integrated in a knowledge graph.

Data is often collected from multiple sources, many of which can be linked and enhanced using data science tools such as entity extraction and machine learning classification. Our expertise in knowledge graphs enable us to join large, complex datasets which can be used to create reports, run analytical products, or produce custom applications.

We also offer data cleaning and disambiguation services to help customers integrate a wide range of information into their own databases, making use of public identifiers and open data where possible to increase interoperability and reduce costs.


An image of an online tool to visualize and browse REF2014 Impact Case studies

Visualization is an important tool to communicate the results of an analysis in an accessible format. Sometimes, this is best achieved using simple bar charts or line graphs, but for more complex tasks, sophisticated tools are needed to organize the data in a meaningful way. Interactive features can also help users engage more actively with the data enabling them to discover trends and interesting outcomes for themselves.

We use the latest machine learning tools to help us turn complicated data into recognisable and usable structures that aid in interpretation giving you and your stakeholders a better understanding of analytical outcomes.

Previous Reports

In previous roles, our Chief Scientist, Martin Szomszor has written numerous reports on issues relating to research evaluation and scholarly publication, as listed below:

2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015